Buck Creek, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Buck Creek City is composed of a mixture of White and non-Hispanic people. There are 0 people who are hispanic and 0.00 percent of the population is Black. The median annual income in Buck Creek is more than twice as high as the national average, which is $65,712 per year. Indiana's poverty rate is 14.1%, so the median annual income of Buck Creek is well above average.

The median household income in Buck Creek, IN is $93,066. This is a high figure when compared to neighboring and parent cities. The transportation chart below shows the frequency of use of various forms of transportation for Buck Creek, IN households. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show variations in smaller modes of transportation, like car ownership. The chart also shows the percent of households with automobiles. The number of non-automobiles is 0.5%, while it is 3.5% for those with three or more.