Claypool, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a good overview of the city's crime rate, consider the Claypool crime map. This map displays the number of crimes committed per 1,000 residents, and it compares that rate to the rate for people who only visit the city on daytime. Claypool has very few retail establishments, so many crimes occur in blocks with few residents. Consequently, a red area on the crime rate map does not necessarily mean that residents of Claypool are in danger.

ESRI and Census data provide information about the number of renter occupied housing units. Claypool's rent burden is low when compared to other cities in Arizona. In comparison, nearby cities such as Kearny and Pine have rent burdens of about 23.9% and 22.8%, respectively. As of 2016, 27.0% of Claypool's housing units are occupied by renters.

The median age of residents in Claypool CDP is 33.1. This is lower than the national and state averages. The median age of Claypool residents is less than half that of those in nearby Wheatfields CDP. Nevertheless, Claypool's age is still smaller than the median age of people in Miami. However, this does not mean that Claypool's people are less educated than the average American.

The population of the Claypool CDP is 383,899, making it the fifty-seventh most populous city in the United States. It is comprised of several entities that are part of Claypool or overlap with it. The US Census reports extensively on age and sex. The next diagram shows the percentage of non-citizens by year of entry. The highest percentage is 71.0%, while the lowest is 16.4%.