Edwardsport, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets in Edwardport City, IN, you need to first know what race they are. According to the 2010 Census, the population of Edwardsport, IN was 340 people, with 328 White (Non-Hispanic) residents and 12 Hispanic residents. The city's median age is 32.3 years and the most common language spoken is English.

Poverty in Edwardsport is significantly lower than the national average, at 14.1%. This is despite the fact that a significant portion of the population in Indiana does not make enough money to live comfortably. In addition to poverty, the state has a high unemployment rate, with a staggering 16.9% of the population in Edwardsport living below the federal poverty level. While it is true that this state has higher unemployment than most of the country, the rate in Edwardsport is still much lower than it is nationally.

The percentage of black, hispanic, and foreign-born residents is much lower than the state average. The percentage of people with a bachelor's degree is significantly below the state average. In addition, the percentage of the population who are 65 years or older is significantly below the state average. Among the different ethnic groups, there are also many subgroups in Edwardsport City. And while white, black, and hispanic are the most common ancestry groups, there are also high percentages of Hispanic and African American.