Grabill, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in learning more about the population and steets of Grabill City, Indiana, you have come to the right place. We have the most up-to-date statistics about Grabill city, Indiana, to help you decide if the town is right for you. You can use the data from our website to compare Grabill with other communities in the region. This data can be useful for determining the average rent price for an apartment or house in the city.

People in Grabill come from a variety of racial backgrounds. Although the majority of residents identify themselves as White, Black, or African-American, people of other races may also live in the city. German, Irish, and English are some of the more important ancestries of the citizens of Grabill. In addition to English, other important languages spoken in Grabill include German, Polish, and Italian.

The population of Grabill is about 1,454 people. The median household income in Grabill is $54,704, which is less than the national average. Grabill also has a high homeownership rate (83.4%), making it an excellent choice for families. Most people live alone and commute to work 18 minutes on average. The average number of cars per household is two, which is the national average.

The city of Grabill is located in northeastern Indiana, 15 miles from the Ohio border. The most pleasant months for living in Grabill are June, August, and September. The most unsuitable months for living in Grabill include January. In addition to these three pleasant months, the city also has 2 pilots and one other airman, and its foreign-born population is significantly lower than the state average.