Huntingburg, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Using the most recent census data from the U.S. Census Bureau, we can estimate the number of people living in Huntingburg City, Indiana. The U.S. Census Bureau defines urbanized areas every 10 years. However, these estimates are only an estimate and may be inaccurate or out of date. The population of Huntingburg City is 6,362.

The town has a similar population distribution as most small towns. As of 2010, Huntingburg had a population of 6057, including a total of 2334 households. This equates to a density of just under one person per square mile. The population is overwhelmingly white, with a percentage of Latinos and Hispanics equaling 18.5 percent. Nearly half of the population is married.

The town of Huntingburg is located in Dubois County in southern Indiana. The population of this city is estimated to grow to 6,297 by the year 2020. The town was founded 185 years ago. It is named for Capt. Frederick Geiger's son Jacob, who settled here for bear hunting. He purchased 1,920 acres in 1837, and was one of the earliest settlers of present-day Huntingburg. The town has been referred to as the "Hollywood of the Midwest" due to the many movies filmed there.

The median age of residents of Huntingburg, IN was 34.6. This includes native-born citizens and foreign-born citizens. Foreign-born citizens made up the smallest percentage of the population. While those with the highest percentages of foreign-born residents were White, Hispanic, and Other, the median age of all Huntingburg, IN residents was 34. As a result, the area is highly diverse and reflects the needs of a growing American population.