Kewanna, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're looking for population and steets information in Kewanna, IN, you're sure to find it at The data provided by this website are based on census data as well as local enforcement agencies. Kewanna, Indiana is home to 598 residents, with an average commute time of 18.6 minutes, much faster than the national average. The median home price in Kewanna is $108,000, and the home appreciation over the last 10 years is 21.0%.

The population of Kewanna, IN was estimated at 519 people in 2019. The majority of residents were White (Non-Hispanic) and Two+ (Non-Hispanic). Hispanics make up 1.54% of the population. The chart below shows the racial makeup of Kewanna. The most common foreign-born citizens in this city are from Mexico, India, and China.

Kewanna is located in Fulton County, Indiana, and is about 780 feet above sea level. The ZIP code for Kewanna is D, which is the preferred name for the city by the USPS. There is no guarantee that the data is accurate or complete. To get more detailed demographic information, visit the city's official website. When you visit Kewanna, be sure to check out the history of the city.