Kirklin, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The KIRKLIN city map can help you get a general overview of this town. You can get the ZIP Code list, and you can view the 4 plus zip code list for Kirklin as well. You can also see the area's population density, or how many people live in a certain area per square mile. Kirklin ranks first for population density in the greater Kirklin area. Frankfort has the lowest population density.

The Census Bureau measures the income and wealth of people living in the United States. The median household income in Kirklin is $43,393 per person. The percentage of people living in poverty is 6.06%, or 76.4% of the total population. Although the income and poverty rates of residents of this city are not the same, these numbers should give you a general idea of the economic outlook of the town.

The city has a low percentage of foreign born residents and is home to some of the youngest residents in the nation. The largest percentage of foreign-born residents in Kirklin is twenty-nine years old, while the lowest proportion is sixty-nine years or older. The population is highly diverse, with a mix of ethnic groups from China and Mexico. Kirklin is also a great place to live for retirees and immigrants.

The average household income in Kirklin, IN is $52,538 and has a lower proportion of single-parent households than the national average. For a better idea of the demographics of your target audience, you can consider home ownership and average household income. For those who are wondering about Kirklin, Indiana's median income is $50,789. The average household income is $61,454.