Ladoga, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for statistics on the population and steets in Ladoga City, IN, you've come to the right place. You can find out everything you need to know about the Ladoga area using the best online research sources. Ladoga has a population of 985 and a zip code of 47954. Public records in Ladoga cover a wide range of topics, including the local economy, housing, and demographics. Additionally, you can get background statistics and current events for the area. The police departments in Ladoga request criminal records from state databases.

The crime rate in Ladoga is not as high as the rate in other cities. While some areas of the city may seem to have a higher crime rate than others, the truth is that the city is not as unsafe as it seems. It is possible that the crime rate in Ladoga is inflated, but this may simply be due to the fact that more people live in central areas of town.

Income and sex-based income inequality in Ladoga is 0.455. Males in Ladoga have 1.4 times the average income of women, and the difference is nearly four and a half times higher than the rate in other areas of Indiana. Overall, the average income of Ladoga is $52,891 compared to $46,355 for women. In the Ladoga city ZIP code, the median household income is $52,891, compared to the average annual income of $47,311 in other cities. In Ladoga, IN, the top paying race is Asian, while the lowest paid race is White.