Lake Station, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Lake Station, Indiana is a city in the state of Indiana. The population is reported in raw head counts and as the number of residents per square mile. The data is based on data gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau. You can access a variety of information about the city and its population by using the Indiana Census Data Comparison Tool. The tool is user-friendly and easy to use.

Located in Indiana, Lake Station, Indiana, has a population of over 67,000 residents. The city is part of the River Forest Community School Corporation, which is a local school district. The city has five elementary schools. The population is largely white. There are a significant number of single parents and middle-aged adults. There are also relatively few families, but the percentage of children under 18 is large. Lake Station, IN has a slightly lower than average unemployment rate, although there are a number of nursing homes close by.

The population density of Lake Station is 113 people per square mile. This is about mid-range compared to other cities in the area. Gary, IN and New Chicago, IL have higher population densities. However, the Lake Station area does not have a significant change in population. The population of Lake Station is approximately the same as the rest of the greater Chicago area. This area is considered "middle-class" due to the lack of a university in the city.