Laketon, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing more about Laketon City's demographics, you may be wondering, "What are the Population & Steets?" Read on to learn more. The population of Laketon City, Iowa, was 7,563 at the 2010 census. The city is located in Luce county. The population is expected to reach 7,656 by 2020. You can also see the number of evictions by zip code by searching for evictions.

Before Laketon City was booming with people, the area was sparsely settled. In 1874, a few dozen homes stood on south Terrace Street. The area was home to prominent residents like Oscar Lyons, E.E. Tyler, and William Collier. In 1874, Maffett's winery was located near Peck Street. Another neighborhood, Henry Street, had scattered settlement as early as 1870. People who lived here included Hubert Stein, Patrick Dowd, Edward Reynolds, and Frank Young.

The data from the census is derived from a variety of sources, including the American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Residents Survey, and Small Area Health Insurance Estimates. However, the estimates provided are not comparable to the statistics reported at other geographic levels due to differences in sampling methods and statistical methodologies. QuickFacts has a quick info icon for each row in TABLE view. It will show the percentage of the population that is foreign born and the percentage of Hispanic residents.

Before 1870, Port Sherman was a rural settlement. Many French Canadian families settled in the area. These families are still living in the area today. The city was originally called Laketon. The community's affairs were usually settled at Joseph Bulger's saloon and at Browne & Nelson Mill office. The Old Business District between Second Street and Pine Street was known as Uppertown. The next section west of Second Street was Middletown, and Middletown spanned down to the sixth street.