Millhousen, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the best place to live in Indiana, consider Millhousen, Indiana. There are many factors to consider, including climate, schools, and other amenities. Thankfully, Dwellics provides data on over 50,000 cities across the U.S., making it easy to find the ideal place to call home. Below, we've listed some facts about Millhousen. Read on to learn more about the town.

The population of Millhousen is almost exactly as old as the United States as a whole. The median age of the people in Millhousen is 37 years old, or about 0.9 years older than the national average. In addition, 8.70% of Millhousen's population is over the age of 65, while the U.S. population is 15.2% over this age. Despite its relatively small population, Millhousen is home to some interesting facts.

The city is home to a large population of Vietnam veterans. In addition to this, the city has a high percentage of citizens who are US citizens. In addition to this, Millhousen has a large Vietnamese population, which explains the low percentage of Asians. In addition, Millhousen has a high percentage of military personnel. This fact is indicative of the area's diversity.