Pimento, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Pimental City, IN? There are many places to go in the area, so you may be wondering where the closest cities are. In this article, you will learn about the cities nearest Pimento, IN, as well as some larger cities that are nearby. Use this information to plan your next trip. Alternatively, you may want to explore the area around the city to see what other places are like.

The population of the city may be inflated if you compare it to nearby areas. While the city itself has low crime rates, many crimes occur in retail areas, which have few residents. This makes red areas on the Pimento violent crime map appear to be less dangerous than they really are. For this reason, it is essential to find out the population of the surrounding area before making a move.

The population of Pimento is primarily white, with only a small percentage of Hispanics living in the area. The median household income in Pimento is $52,143, while the average household income is $73,152. Pimento is a low-income area, with only 6% of residents earning above $73,000. The school-age population is 87%, with about 34% of residents completing college. However, only 31% of college graduates are going on to higher education.