Prairieton, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the city of Prairieton, Illinois, you may be wondering what the demographics are like. This article will provide you with the demographic statistics for this city. Also, you'll find the corresponding racial/ethnic groups, as well as any important information about the area. It may also help you find a great place to live!

One of the most interesting statistics about Prairieton is its small size. It's just three-fourths the size of the United States' average. It's also home to 12.0% single people, making it the least married-couple-rich area in the greater Prairieton township region. The ratio of men to women is approximately 50:50. Nevertheless, there are several other important figures to consider when assessing the quality of life in this township.

This township's population is based on figures provided by the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. The numbers are indicative of the mid-point of other areas in the township. The largest city within the area is Terre Haute with a population of 60,690. And if you're looking to find a place where you can walk to work without spending a lot of money, Prairieton is a great place to consider.

QuickFacts provides statistics for all US cities, counties, and ZIP codes with a population of 5,000 or more. Keep in mind, however, that QuickFacts estimates are not comparable to the same data at higher levels of geography because of sampling errors and methodology differences. When viewing data from QuickFacts, be sure to read the "Quick Info" icons on each row. They'll tell you the sampling error and the year the data was collected.