Russiaville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Russiavile City? This city is about three-fourths the size of Indiana. Whether you're looking for a community in the rural South or looking to settle in the urban heartland, Russiaville has the population and demographics you need. Read on for more information. The population of Russiaville is approximately 550 people. The population is mostly white, though a few minority groups are represented in the neighborhood.

The population of Russiaville is around 1,094. The median age is 34.5. The average family size is 3.0. Russiaville has a higher rate of single mothers than other cities in the greater Indianapolis area. However, single parents make up the majority of the population. In terms of median income, Russiaville's income is significantly lower than the national average. The median income in Russiaville is just over $44,000.

The poverty rate in Russiaville is 4.6%, with children and non-citizens accounting for nearly 7% of residents. Non-citizens make up 17.5% of the population and are primarily employed in industries related to manufacturing and health care. Non-citizens include illegal aliens, international students, and temporary workers. And those who live in Russiaville are mostly white.

In terms of age, the median age of residents in Russiaville, Indiana is 38.1. This is younger than the average for the city, but the age of foreign-born citizens in the community is higher. This makes it easier to find retirement communities and target the elderly population. The median age of the population is 38.1 years old, which is significantly lower than the average in the rest of the city. There are 22,944 residents from China.