Salamonia, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides information about the Population & Steets of Salamonia City, Indiana. It is important to note that the population of Salamonia City is younger than the national average. The median age of the population of Salamonia is only 24 years old, which is approximately one year younger than the national average of 37.9 years. Also, compared to the national average, 6.70% of the Salamonia population is 65 years old or older.

The population of Salamonia is 148. The population peaked in the year 2000. It will be the 17332nd largest city in the US by 2022. The population of Salamonia is declining moderately. It has decreased by -0.67% compared to the previous decade. However, Salamonia's growth is still much faster than that of 78% of similar-sized cities nationwide.

The median household income in Salamonia, IN is $46,250. There are 87 residents in Salamonia. There are three industries that account for the highest wages in the city. Manufacturing employs 54 people and retail trade employs seven. These three industries pay $35,500 on average. While the number of jobs in Salamonia is smaller, it is still impressive to note that they employ a large portion of the population.