Stilesville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Stileaselville City, Indiana? There are several things to consider before choosing a city. These factors may include cost of living, community, and job opportunities. The climate and activities are important factors to consider as well, as is the overall population makeup. To get a better understanding of the population and neighborhood in Stilesville, Indiana, you can visit Dwellics, an online resource that provides data for over 50,000 cities across the United States.

The crime statistics in Stilesville show that the city has an overall low crime rate. During a year, 206 people are reported as living in Stilesville. The median household income is $33,750. Stilesville's median age is 54.9 years, with a median male population of 51.2 years and a female population of 61 years. While the city is generally safe, there are a number of factors that can influence the crime rate in a city.

The median age in Stilesville City is 36 years. Twenty-five percent of the population is under the age of eighteen, while nine percent are between the ages of 25 and 44. Forty-seven percent of the population is 45-64 years old. And fourteen percent of the population is over the age of 65 years. As far as the median household income goes, the town is $27,857 for households with children, while the median family income is $48,750.