West Middleton, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in Population & Steets in West Midton City? If so, you are not alone! Over one third of the population of this city resides in single-family homes. In fact, only about a third of all Middleton homes are built after 2000. Compared to these communities, the median home price in West Middleton is more than $77,000.

The number of households reflects the demand for residential housing units. There are approximately 7,095 households in the city. The population is composed of individuals, married couples, and families. A female householder is the sole head of a household. Only 7.2% of the population is older than 65. The population growth in West Middleton is expected to continue over the next few years. The City is a strong candidate for new development, as it is located in an area where many families live.

There are several different crime zones in West Middleton, Indiana. Some neighborhoods are safer than others. The north of the city is considered the safest and has the lowest crime rate. In the southeast, people may face a 1 in 97 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. Conversely, people in the north of the city have a one in 123 chance of experiencing a violent crime. However, this is not an intuitive way to compare crime rates. Instead, look at a crime map, which gives a basic count of crime. It closely resembles a population map.

The Middleton HPP Committee reviewed a preliminary GIS-queried list of 31 parcels that are greater than five acres. The Town also discussed options for affordable housing. The Town's HPP is currently reviewing options for aging in place and redevelopment. If a parcel does not meet the criteria, it will be redeveloped. Moreover, Middleton has many new affordable housing options.