Yorktown, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To understand the city's socioeconomic makeup, you need to look into the population and steets of the city. The following table presents a breakdown of the city's residents by race, gender, and age. For those who are interested in a specific neighborhood, you can compare the median age of native-born residents with those of foreign-born citizens. Although the percentages vary from one place to the next, white citizens are the most common residents below the poverty line.

Listed below are the estimated populations and steets of Yorktown City. These figures are from the U.S. Census. Residents are tagged with the address of their primary residence. There are no other public services available in Yorktown, but residents can get around the city on Metro-North. There are also plenty of bike and hiking trails. If you're looking for a quieter neighborhood, try Yorktown Heights. This area of the city has a relatively low population of 27,601 people.

The city's population is comprised of eighty-four households, with thirty-seven percent of households including children under the age of 18. Another thirty-seven percent of households had a female householder who lived alone without her husband. One-fifth of households were non-families, and thirty-three percent were individual households. One-fifth of households was comprised of senior citizens or other elderly residents.