Ackley, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Ackley City, Iowa, is located in the state of Iowa. The population of Ackley is approximately 1,706 people. The median household income is $44,063. Ackley has a high poverty rate, causing residents to live in substandard housing. The median gross rent in Ackley is $460 per month. The median age for residents of Ackley City is 34.5.

The rent burden in Ackley City is the proportion of household income spent on rental housing. This measure is useful in determining housing affordability, as it reflects the percentage of people paying rent. Ackley has a lower rent burden than the state average of 27.5%, while nearby cities such as Allison and Roland have a higher rent burden. The rent burden in Ackley City is also lower than the national average. It is also lower than the rate in other nearby cities: State Center and Roland have higher rent burden than Ackley. In 2016, there were only one eviction case in Ackley City.

In 1852, immigrants started purchasing farms. The first permanent resident of Ackley was Thomas Downs, a frontiersman from Indiana. His widow sold his land and later built a home on it. Minor Gallop purchased Downs' land and built a house east of Highway 57. Later, the house served as a stopover for stagecoaches and became a hotel. Ackley's first post office was opened in 1867.