Alburnett, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Alburnett City are provided below. Using these statistics is important when planning a vacation or moving to a new town. For instance, it can be helpful to know the percentage of married couples in the city. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources available online that can make your visit more pleasant. Listed below are some statistics about Alburnett city and the surrounding areas.

In addition to the total population, it is also worth noting that the city has a small foreign population. The foreign-born population of Alburnett is 5.4% smaller than that of Iowa. The city's median age is 35, and the number of households is just over a quarter of a million. Compared to the rest of the state, Alburnett City is also smaller than most other U.S. communities.

The demographic data on the city of Alburnett, Iowa, shows that it has a small Asian population and is home to a high percentage of White-skinned people. A smaller percentage of residents is Asian and Indian. Spanish is also an important language in the city. Most residents speak English fluently. Some speak another language in the home. While English is the most common language spoken in Alburnett, Spanish, and Indo-European languages are also commonly used.

The median household income in Alburnett is $68,321. This is less than average for the area. The majority of residents in the city use their vehicle to commute to work. Those in the city can expect to take approximately 30 minutes to get to work, while those in other parts of the town may need to travel over 45 minutes to reach their job. And if you're planning a vacation to this city, it's helpful to know the median household income and the steets of the city.