Bevington, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Bevington City is composed of a number of different subgroups. This page displays the population of Bevington, Texas in both raw head count and population density per square mile. To get a more detailed breakdown, view the About Page for details on the data sources used.

If you're traveling from Bevington, you can use this list to find nearby towns. Bevington is 66 miles from several large cities. The larger cities can be convenient when you want to travel to the airports located near them. However, if you're going for a road trip, you'll find smaller cities to visit more easily. You can even find cities within 100 miles of Bevington, IA.

The population of Bevington is 69. This city is located in Madison County and is part of the Des Moines-West Des Moines Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located along state highway 92, adjacent to Interstate 35. As of 2010, there were 28 households and 28 housing units in the city. The majority of the population was White, with 1.6% of the population being Hispanic or Latino of any race.

Bevington, Iowa is the state capital. It has a median home value of $200,000, with an average household size of 2.63 people. The city's population is expected to grow by 4.8% in the next decade. Despite its small size, Bevington boasts a clean, tree-lined downtown.