Boxholm, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Boxholem City, Iowa is comprised of 169 White (Non-Hispanic) residents and 0 Black or African American residents. Compared to the state average of 64.3%, Boxholm has a lower than average percentage of residents of one of these races. The area has seven races overall, and Mexico is the most prevalent foreign-born population, with 9,583 people calling Boxholm, IA home.

If you are interested in moving to Boxholm, Iowa, you can use the information on this page to make your decision. You can use the information to plan a trip or to learn about the local area. You can also use this tool to search for other cities 100 miles away in the area. You can easily compare Boxholm to other areas of the United States to see which cities and towns are the closest to this city.

You can also find out the average salary in Boxholm City, Iowa. The average salary in Boxholm is around $25,000, which is well above the national average. This makes Boxholm a great place to live for families who are on a budget. Whether you're buying a home or renting a new one, the right income is important. You'll be glad you did.

The median age of residents in Boxholm City, IA was 48.8, with 7.7% of residents being under 18.7% in the 18-24 age group, twenty-four percent in the 25-to-44 age range, thirty-three percent in the fifty-six-to-four-year-old category, and 58.3% over the age of 65. Males outnumbered females in the city by 93.7% per cent for every 100 female residents.