Braddyville, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Braddyville City, Iowa? In general, the population of Braddyville City is white, although there are some African-American residents and Native Hawaiians. A small number of Asians and Native Hawaiians also live in the city. Hispanics make up 17.8% of the population and 2.6% of the population is classified as other races. Most people identify with at least one race, and the most common ancestries are German, English, or American. Swedish and German ancestry is also highly concentrated.

There are several major cities within 96 miles of Braddyville, IA. These cities may be useful if you need to find a flight to a nearby airport. Otherwise, smaller towns may be convenient if you plan to take a road trip and want to experience the culture of the city before booking your flight. But, for now, these are the major cities closest to Braddyville City.

In Braddyville, Iowa, there are 125 people of voting age. The gender ratio is 54:46, while twenty-three percent of the population is 65 or older. The unemployment rate is 5.3% among the population age sixteen and over. Thirty percent of the population works for the local, state, or federal government. The median household income is $41,250. These figures are based on a census conducted in 2010.