Calmar, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to expand your business into the state of Iowa, you may be wondering how to find the Population & Steets in Calmer City. The city of Calmar is home to approximately 934 people. The population is predominantly white with a small percentage of people from other races, such as African Americans and Hispanics. In addition to this, the median household income in Calmar is $42,976. While only half of the population has attended college, it is worth noting that 84% of its residents have graduated from high school. In addition, 52% have dropped out of college.

If you are planning to visit Calmar, IA, it is a good idea to use the internet to find out more information. There are many different cities close by that offer flights to the area. Here is a list of the ones that are nearest to Calmar, Iowa:

In 2019 the population of Calmar was 1,009, a decrease of 0.38% from the previous year. The median property value in Calmar, IA is $136,300, a change of 0.89% from the previous year. The homeownership rate is 66.3%, which is slightly higher than the national average. The average commute time is 17.7 minutes, and most people in Calmar, IA drive to work on their own. The average car ownership in Calmar is two cars per household.

In addition to the above-mentioned factors, the city also has many other factors to consider, including its age demographics. The population is age-spread out. Twenty-five percent of the people living in Calmar City are under the age of 18, while 7.1% are between 18 and 24. Twenty-four percent of households are comprised of married couples, with forty-three percent of those belonging to the non-married category. Furthermore, 14.6% of the population consists of senior citizens.