Clarion, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the current Population & Steets of Clarion City, Pennsylvania, you should first know some basic facts about the area. This way, you will be able to determine how many people live in this area. There are over two thousand people living in Clarion. You can find this out by browsing the list below and looking at the income and racial makeup of the population.

The borough is governed by a seven-member elected Borough Council. Members include President Carol Lapinto, Vice President Benjamin Aaron, Brenda Sanders Dede, President Pro Tem Rachel Roberts, Rose Logue, Zachary Garbarino, Keaton MacBeth, and Mayor Jennifer Fulmer Vinson. Residents of Clarion are well-educated, and have a strong work ethic.

The rent burden of Clarion, PA households is higher than the Pennsylvania average at thirty-one percent. In comparison to neighboring cities, Clarion's rent burden is considerably higher than the state average of thirty-one percent. Clarion is also home to a large proportion of renters, with 63.5% of its housing units occupied by renters. The median household income is $11,500, which is higher than the national average of twenty-three percent.

As of 1832, the settlement was comprised of 6,000 acres. Its population reached its peak of 155 in just a few years. Despite the high number of settlers, the colony faced several problems that made crops unreliable. These included lack of water, bad weather, and lack of experience farming in the area. Many of the lands surrounding Clarion remain undeveloped and unproductive.