Clemons, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides a general overview of the Population & Steets in Clements City, Iowa. The poverty rate is a good indicator of the quality of life in a city. Clemons is home to approximately 125 people. The median household income is $58,750. The poverty rate is less than the state average of 8.6%, and Clemons has a low poverty rate compared to its neighboring cities. The poverty rate is only a small percentage of the city's population.

The population of Clemons is comprised of 22,458 households and 15,884 families. Of these, approximately 22,458 are family households. There are 12,336 single-family homes and 8,376 two-and-two-person households. Another 6,660 households are non-family households. This information is useful in making decisions about the educational environment of your children, and where to live.

The ZIP code for Clemons is D (Default). This ZIP code designates a ZIP address as a place in the United States. The USPS assigns this ZIP code to all places named Clemons. There are several schools in the area, and Clemons is the county seat of Washington County. The city is in the Eastern Time Zone, or UTC -5 hours.

The median age of residents of Clemons City was 38.3. Of this age group, twenty-six percent of the population lived under the age of 18. Another fourteen percent were between the ages of 25-44, and thirteen percent were 65-plus. The gender makeup of the population was 51.5% male and 48.3% female. This is a small town, but it's a booming one!