Clutier, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and steets of Clutier City, Iowa, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find details on Clutier's housing market, education levels, and more. You'll also find the median gross rent in Clutier is $543 per month, which is about average for Iowa. Despite the low poverty rate, Clutier residents make the most of their limited resources and are happy living in a community that is both prosperous and safe.

When it comes to the area's demographics, Clutier has a population density of only 176 people per square mile, significantly lower than most other places in the area. While the population of nearby Toledo is 2,185, Clutier's will shrink by 37 people, or 17.4% by 2020. While the population of the area is expected to grow, the town is expected to maintain its low level of economic activity.

Among Clutier's 145 residents, nearly 100% are US citizens. This means that people in Clutier are largely proud to be American citizens. In addition, the city's percentage of Vietnamese veterans is high. Compared to Iowa's average income of $56,610, males in Clutier earn 1.3 times more than their female counterparts. The income gap is 0.442 percent, which is lower than the national average.

Clutier's population analysis will help you see the age breakdown of the area. The city's population is made up of two different age groups: people under 20 and people aged 40 and older. The largest age group is comprised of seniors, and people over 65 make up a quarter of the population. You'll be able to find out where to live in Clutier and what to do with it.