Columbus Junction, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are a business owner and are looking to reach your target audience, consider knowing the population & steets of Columbus Junction City, Iowa. The population of Columbus Junction is predominantly white and contains less than 1% of people of any other ethnicity. In terms of homeownership, the average household is worth $50,691, and about 78% of residents have completed high school. For more detailed demographic information, you may wish to check out the census data for the city.

The town experienced sustained growth from the 1960s to the 2000s. The largest source of job creation was the meat processing industry. Between 1961 and 1982, the Rath Packing Company operated a hog processing plant in Columbus Junction. In 1985, the plant was sold to IBP, and in 2001, Tyson Foods bought the facility and reopened it as a hog processing facility. Until the city's growth, the hog processing industry was the main source of job creation.

The labor force is made up of people who are employed in different fields. The most common industries in Columbus Junction include manufacturing, construction, and retail trade. Other industries may exist in the town, but the three most common sectors are listed below. The labor force is made up of people in three categories: those in the service industry, those in blue-collar jobs, and those in white-collar roles.