Conrad, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When considering your target audience, demographics are important. The population of Conrad, MT is made up of 87.4% white residents, 0.3% black people, and 1.1% Hispanics. Consider the average household income of $38,042 and the percentage of people who own a home, which can help you determine the demographics of your audience. You should also consider the homeownership rate, as this can give you an idea of how well your marketing materials will be received.

The median age of the residents of Conrad is 43.8 years old. The median household income of $48,636 is higher than the state's average of 27.7%. Conrad's rent burden is higher than the average for other Iowa cities, but lower than neighboring Albion and Waterloo. A total of 29 people in Conrad identify as hispanic. The city has a comparatively high poverty rate, at 2.9%.

The following list of businesses in Conrad City includes the name of the business and the phone number. The list also includes information about the school in Conrad, such as its location. The information on each website includes the name of the school, the address, and phone number. While this information is not a complete census of the population, it does give an idea of how many people are living in Conrad.

The population of Conrad, MT is 3,554, with 1,353 households. The median home value is $95,479, and the average household size is 2.37. The city's projected population is expected to decrease by 7.6% over the next decade. The local ad demographic reflects that there are fewer males than females. If you have a question about the population in Conrad, Montana, feel free to contact the city's Chamber of Commerce.