Drakesville, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Drakeville City, Iowa are important statistics to know for your home. The data in the graphs below shows you what the Drakesville City population looks like. In addition to a breakdown of the ages, gender, and racial makeup of the Drakesville population, you can also learn how many people live in the city. The information provided is based on a census from 2010.

The poverty rate in Drakesville is slightly higher than the national average. As a whole, the population of Drakesville is only 177. The median household income is $30,625. The area's poverty rate is 3.9%, whereas the state's average is 8.06%. Although Drakesville is relatively safe for families, it is still a great place to raise a family. If you're concerned about your child's education, you can look for an online school.

The city's employment stats show that 97.8% of its residents are White, compared to 0.6% Hispanic and 1% Other (Hispanic) people. The city has an estimated median household income of $57500. The median household income is N/A. In Drakesville, IA, households earn an average of N/A. The city is located in a rural area, so it's not likely to have any large cities nearby.