Elkport, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Elkport City, Iowa? Elkport is a city in Iowa, United States. The population of Elkport is 36 people. Since the year 2020, the population of Elkport has decreased by 84.7%. Elkport's median home value is $71,000, and its average appreciation over the past ten years is 4.2%.

The Census Bureau classifies Elkport, Iowa, as a "C1" city and does not have a county subdivision equivalent. In fact, it has a Functional Status Code of "A." Elkport is located within the Township of Volga, a minor civil division of Clayton County. Elkport's population is mostly white (45%), although it has a minority population of Black and Native American. The most common occupations are manufacturing (43,502) and retail trade (1,382), while the least-common ones are management, accounting, and construction.

The median income in Elkport, IA is $43,750, which is below the state's average of $65,712. The highest-paying jobs in Elkport, IA are in Manufacturing, Wholesale Trade, and Retail Trade. The highest-paying jobs in Elkport, IA are in construction and manufacturing, which are expected to increase by 6% by 2020. Compared to Iowa's average, Elkport has a relatively high level of income inequality.