Emmetsburg, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Emmetsburg City is 95% white. Only 1% of the population is black or Hispanic. The median household income is $40,428 and the percentage of residents with an educational degree is 75%. The most common jobs are office and administrative support positions, followed by management and service occupations. However, the population of Emmetsburg is more diverse than the numbers might suggest.

The median property value in Emmetsburg, IA is $112,900, which is 0.469 times smaller than the national average. The median household income is $48,447, up from $48,700 in 2007. Homeownership rate in Emmetsburg is 66.7%. There are 2 cars per household. Emmetsburg, IA has a low Hispanic population. This is not surprising considering that the median property value is only $112,900.

The median household income in Emmetsburg is $46,563. This is much lower than the state's average of $65,712. However, children live in poverty at an even higher rate. There are three children in every family with an income less than $46,610. Overall, there are 1.9k people working in Emmetsburg. The most common occupations are health care and social assistance (335) and manufacturing (251). The highest paying industries in Emmetsburg are agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining ($160192).

The most common industries in Emmetsburg are manufacturing, health care and retail trade. However, some people in Emmetsburg, IA may work in Manufacturing and then live elsewhere. This is because census data is linked to residential addresses. This means that residents in Emmetsburg, IA may work in manufacturing or health care, but still live in a different town. In some cases, they may work in Emmetsburg, but live elsewhere and work in another state.