Exira, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the Population & Steets in Ex-ira City, IA, you've come to the right place. We've provided the latest data, including population estimates, to help you make an informed decision. Read on for information on the city's ethnicity, and how it varies from nearby cities. In Exira, Iowa, the percentage of Native Americans is high. This city has the third-highest percent of Native residents. The population of non-Hispanic whites is approximately one-third Hispanic, with the total number of Hispanic residents being only 1.3%.

For more information on the city's residential real estate, you can visit the Exira City Clerk's office at 105 East Washington Street. This office is a good place to look for Exira residential property records, including ownership details, mortgage & deed records, parcel zoning, sales history, and more. Additionally, you can find birth and marriage records here.

Exira's median income for families and households was $32,222, with males earning an average of $24,875. In contrast, the per capita income was $15,124, making Exira slightly lower than the average Iowa city. The median age for the city was 49 years, and there were 12% of families and 11.7% of the population living below the poverty line. The city's population is diverse, and a comprehensive population study from Dwellics can help you make the right decision on where to live.

The population of Exira City, Iowa is 785 residents. Its population peaked at 944 in 1990, making it the third-most-populated place in the greater Exira area. The city with the largest population in the region is Audubon, with a 2,054-person population. Exira has an increase of eight percent from 2010 to 2020, making it similar to the average.