Fort Madison, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the current population and street information in Fort Madison City, Iowa, you have come to the right place. You can find out what the population is for 2010 and 2020. You can also find out about the Fort Madison Museum's street address and ZIP code. Lastly, you can learn more about Fort Madison's history and culture by visiting the city's museum page. There you will find information about the neighborhood's history and the current population.

The first residents of Fort Madison settled in the mid-1800s, and the town grew westward. The city continued to grow, and by the late 19th century, it had become one of the largest cities in the state. Its population grew in the late nineteenth century, and by 1900, the downtown business district was bustling. The population reached 12,000 by 1920, and remained that way until 1960.

The population is spread out among several different neighborhoods. For instance, residents of the City Center neighborhood tend to be low-income, but also walk to work. Other residents in the area commute by car. And if you want to save money on gas, Fort Madison has one of the shortest commutes in America! The Fort Madison City Center neighborhood has the highest percentage of families consisting of married couples (78.3%) and the lowest percentage of households headed by males (7.5%).

There are two types of schools in Fort Madison City. There is a public school district, Fort Madison Community School District, and a private school. There are 5 elementary schools and one high school. For more information, see the Fort Madison Community School District's website. This district serves more people than most. It has a large number of elementary schools, including a public school, and a private school for students.