Garnavillo, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Garnavillo City, Iowa is 763, according to the census. Its median age was 48.5 years. The median age of native-born residents was 42, and that of foreign-born citizens was 36. While the city is getting younger, it was still 46 years old last year. The most common ancestry of Garnavillo residents was American, German, or Norwegian. There were also nine,583 people from China.

The average temperature in Garnavillo is 50Fdeg, but temperatures fall below 50Fdeg 174 days. Annual precipitation is 33.6 inches, and snowfall is 21.4% of the yearly total. A visual representation of this is 7 days of moderate rain. The humidity level is also low, with 157.8 days of below-60% relative to the national average.

The median property value in Garnavillo, IA is $89,700. This is 0.373 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate is 74.2%, and the average commute time is 19.3 minutes. On average, residents own two cars. The median age is 41.2 and the language of most households is English. The median household income is $46,750.

A list of nearby cities can be useful if you plan to explore the area. These cities are within 87 miles of Garnavillo, IA, making them an easy choice for a weekend getaway. You can also use the list of nearby towns to find flights. If you want to make a road trip, it might be helpful to look for flights to a city four hours away, or even a city near Garnavillo.