Grand Mound, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Grand Mound City are listed below for reference. They may be useful if you're considering moving to Grand Mound IA. If you're looking for someone in Grand Mound, IA, you can use Radaris to help you find them. It also offers useful information about the city, such as schools and crime statistics. The following data is based on the most recent year of available statistics.

While Grand Mound does not have a local post office, the city is served by the Rochester post office. Most Grand Mound locations have a Rochester address, but a few on the southern side are in Centralia. As a result, crime rates in Grand Mound may be higher than they are elsewhere. But there are many other factors that affect crime rates, so don't assume that because the area is less populated, it's safer.

The population of Grand Mound is around 2,500 people. The median household income is $61,250. The city has a low rate of poverty, with a poverty rate of 1.8 percent. You can also find employment in Grand Mound. There are two hospitals in the city, one in Grand Mound and another in Welton. In terms of employment opportunities, Grand Mound has a good job market and a low rate of unemployment.

The Grand Mound road remained in a poor state throughout the 1919 season. Residents of Grand Mound complained in the newspapers about the road. Rumors arose that the county was about to begin road construction in Grand Mound. Eventually, the road was finished, but it took a while before the city began to recover from the Great Depression. The area continues to grow today. The Grand Mound Chamber of Commerce is the best place to find out more about this area.