Griswold, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides an overview of the population and steets of Griswold, Iowa. It includes data on the median age of residents. Griswold is home to mostly white, Hispanic, and Asian residents, with a median age of 37. The median household income in Griswold, IA is $78,300, which represents a decrease from $75,200 in 2019. This table also shows that the median household income in Griswold is $79,300, which is 0.33 times lower than the national average of $240,500.

Griswold City is located within New London County. The T1 Census Class Code is assigned to active county subdivisions. This code indicates that the town is home to military barracks and correctional facilities. The population of Griswold is just over 3,700, according to the 2010 Census. Among this population, approximately 1,900 people live in the town. There are many other cities located within 100 miles of Griswold.

The main river in Griswold is the Pachaug River, which is nine miles long and winds with some surprising curves. It winds through swamps and mud flats between hills. It travels 44 miles before reaching its mouth. Griswold's thriving economy is largely due to the two rivers. While the two rivers may be a bit tangled together, the confluence of them means that a significant part of the town's development occurs on level land.

Griswold City's median household income is $40,156. This compares to the average US worker and the average family income of $21,196. Griswold, IA has a low unemployment rate, and a relatively small percentage of its population is non-English speaking. Its median household income is higher than that of its parent and neighboring geopolitical areas. During the 2000 census, 82.2% of Griswold City's workforce drove alone to work. Another 9.79% carpools were used, and 3.02 percent of the population worked from home.