Hedrick, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you planning to visit Hedrick City, Iowa? We've put together a list of cities near Hedrick so you can get a feel for the town. Here's the population and steets of the area. Once you have that information, you can book flights to your chosen destination. If you're looking for places to visit within 100 miles of Hedrick, IA, the list below may come in handy.

The population of Hedrick City, Iowa was 743 in 2016, with a decline of 34.2% since 1990. The average commute time is 24.0 minutes, which is considerably less than the national average of 26.4 minutes. The median home value in Hedrick is $69,500, with a 3.9% appreciation over the last decade. While this city has a relatively low median home price, it is still a great place to live if you're looking for a house in the area.

The population of Hedrick City is four hundred and eighty percent white. The median household income is $43,750. Approximately 0.4% of the population speaks a non-English language at home. This number doesn't include children, but it's still high compared to other areas of Iowa. Listed below are the numbers for the zip code 52563, as well as other useful information.