Ida Grove, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in the Population & Steets of Ida Grove City? Find out below! This information can be helpful for your move to Ida Grove City and the surrounding area. In addition, you can explore the surrounding towns to get a better feel for the town's community. Here is a list of the towns in the area. If you're looking to move to Ida Grove City, Iowa, be sure to look into these important numbers.

The population of Ida Grove is comprised of people from many different nations. Almost a third of residents hail from Europe, making this the second most-ethnic city in Iowa after Battle Creek. The remaining population is mainly from the Americas, with only 7.9% of its residents being foreign born. Ida Grove is home to over a thousand businesses. The city is located at the western edge of Iowa's Grand Rapids region.

During the 1800s, Mount Ida was home to an estimated 2,000 people. Prior to 1850, it was known as Holly. This town was named after Big Fork Creek, and was located in Section 23 Twp 3S Range 28W. In 1845, it was a part of Montgomery County. By 1850, the town was called Salem and changed its name to Ida. The town was then named after a railroad station.

The population of Ida Grove City is overwhelmingly older than the surrounding counties. The median age is 44 years old, with twenty-one percent of people under the age of 18 living with them. Fifty-one percent of the city's population is 45 years old or older, with another twenty-one percent 65 years or older. Males outnumber females, with a ratio of eighty-two to one for every 100 adults in the area.