Ladora, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking to learn more about Ladora City? Check out our Population & Steets section. It contains important demographic information, including its overall population. The table below provides an overview of the city's demographics. You can zoom in and out to see more details. Keep in mind that this data is for reference purposes only. Ladora has approximately the same number of residents as Iowa.

The median gross rent in Ladora is $378 a month. The average cost of living in Ladora is lower than that of many other nearby towns. There are 158 days of summer and 63 days of winter, so the climate can play a major role in determining whether you want to live in a warm or cold climate. A low poverty rate is always a plus.

Ladora is located in Iowa County. Its median household income is $42,750. It has a low poverty rate and is home to 320 residents. As far as employment goes, a high school teacher makes $0 a year. The average number of high school students in Ladora is zero. The internet speed in Ladora is 121 Mbps. The nearest airport is 25 miles away, and the closest coastline is 214 miles away. The road network and traffic volume are low.

The population density of Ladora is 210 residents per square mile. This is below the national average. The child poverty rate in Ladora is 16.2%. The overall population is employed in manufacturing. A third of its population is employed in the fields of management, science, and arts. A small portion of the population speaks a language other than English at home. The area is home to a low number of Hispanic residents.