Lime Springs, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Almost 50 percent of the Lime Springs, IA population is considered a white person. Another 19% identify as a black person. The city also has a low rate of Native American residents. In terms of race, 61.1% of Lime Springs residents identify as white, while 12.3% of the city's population is considered to be black. While 17.8% of Lime Springs residents identify as Hispanic, another 2.6% of residents say they are of a mixed race. Among all Lime Springs citizens, 0% are considered to be a foreign-born person.

The city's median age was 45.4 years. Nearly twenty-four percent of residents were under the age of 18 and five percent were between the ages of 25 and 44. Twenty-seven percent of residents were between the ages of 45 and 64, and 16.4% were over 65. A total of 220 households comprised the city. The median household size was 2.25 people, while the average family size was two.

Among the micromobility providers, Lime recently introduced electric mopeds in New York City. This electric scooter has a 100-mile range, and users must have a driver's license and take a selfie wearing a helmet. Lime also introduced pedal-less e-bikes to its app. This company is working on creating a multimodal mobility platform, incorporating public transportation, scooters, and e-scooters.