Liscomb, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Demographics for Population & Steets in Li-scomb City, IA. This information is based on the last census of the city. The population is 317 people, and the poverty rate is 1.46%. For more detailed information on the economic climate of Liscomb, see the Liscomb, IA poverty report. For other cities in Iowa, see the Liscomb, IA poverty report.

Listed below are the populations and steets for Liscomb City, IA. Liscomb is a small town, and residents are usually friendly. You can find many shops and restaurants in town, and you can also explore other towns nearby. Listed below are the cities that are closest to Liscomb, IA. Once you've found one you like, browse through the list of nearby towns to see how they measure up.

The median household income in Liscomb, IA is $46,610. The income inequality in Liscomb is 0.442, which is lower than the state average of 0.78%. There are 151 households in Liscomb, IA, and they are divided into three buckets: car owners, people who live in a home, and people who rent. This information can help you better understand how affordable housing is in Liscomb, IA.

Listed below are the Census Bureau's demographics for Liscomb, IA. This city has a zip code of 50148. The zip code 50148 is a Multi-county. If you don't know your zip code, use Quick Select to lookup your address. You can also find the city hall phone number. For customer service, call the city hall at 50148.