Lone Tree, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Lone Tree, CO population is comprised of 7.2k people. The most prevalent employment sectors are Health Care & Social Assistance, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, and Retail Trade. While 79.7% of the Lone Tree, CO population is white, 6.9% is Hispanic. Approximately 2.2% of the city's residents live below the poverty line. Of these, 5.9% of those living below the poverty line are Hispanic.

The income level of households in Lone Tree, CO varies based on age and family composition. The median family income in Lone Tree, CO is $96,308. The largest share of households in Lone Tree own two or more cars, while the smallest percentage have none. The most common types of health insurance plans are private, employee, and military or VA. The Colorado State Highway 470 bisects the city.

The median age for people in Lone Tree is 40. This figure includes native-born residents and foreign-born residents. According to the US Census, the city's population will reach 11,464 people by 2020. The last official US Census recorded the population of Lone Tree at 10,430 in 2010.

The Lone Tree Light Rail station is located in the Lincoln Light Rail Station, which is accessible to the Lone Tree Entertainment District and Sky Ridge Medical Center. The light rail line runs through the area and connects to the Lone Tree Call-n-Ride. The Lone Tree Public Transportation Authority offers the Lone Tree Link, a free service offered by five local organizations. The service runs every 10 minutes, and provides reliable connections to daily destinations and appointments.