Manly, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know what the Population & Steets in Manley City are? Have you ever wondered if you live in one? The following article will give you an idea of the population of Manly. In addition, you will find out what the median income in Manly is and if there is a poverty rate. In Manly, there are more White people than Black people. The median income in Manly is $42,434.

Unemployment Rate in Manly, Iowa is 34% among people aged 16 and over. This rate does not include individuals who are not looking for work or are in the military. For this reason, the unemployment rate is much higher in Manly than in most other cities. To get more detailed statistics, you can use the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFP) or the U3 measure of unemployment. In Manly, Iowa, 34% of adults are unemployed.

The population of Manly is 1,271 and the average commute time is 20.5 minutes. The median price of homes in Manly is $84,100 and has appreciated 4.1% over the last decade. If you're planning to move to Manly, you should know the median home price and other vital statistics. You can use the data to find the best real estate deal. Just keep in mind that this information is for informational purposes and is not a guarantee of success.

The median age of residents was 39.3 years. Twenty-seven percent of households were made up of couples, while nine percent of households were made up of women. One-fourth of the population was made up of single people, with 30.2% of all households being made up of single people. Sixteen percent of the households were made up of senior citizens. The average household size in Manly City was 2.35 and the median family size was 2.6.