Marble Rock, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current Population & Steets in MarbleRock City, IA are shown in Table 1. The table contains data on the demographic makeup of the town, such as the number of people living alone and in households with children. The statewide average is 98.8%, but there are many variations. The population in Marble Rock is comprised of a wide range of socio-economic classes, ranging from very low income to very high income.

The median age of residents in Marble Rock, IA is 52.6 years old. This is higher than the average age of residents of other U.S. cities. Despite being a rural town, the population is rapidly increasing. In 2019, there were more residents from Mexico and India than in any other country. There were 958 Chinese residents, which accounted for about 2% of the total population. However, the city's median annual income has been on a decline since the 2010 census.

Round Rock is the largest city in Williamson County. It is home to Dell Computer and major retail centers. Round Rock is located on Highway 183, with an elevation of 709 feet (216 m).