North English, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in North-English, Iowa are estimated at 6,736 in the year 2020. This small Iowa city is located within the county of Keokuk, and it is named for the English River. This city has a street address and is home to the North-English Museum. You can also view a map of North-English from its downtown. If you're interested in this city, consider visiting the North-English Museum, which is located at the end of West Street.

You can find North-English through various maps and satellite images. You can also find the sunrise and sunset times of the city, which are calculated seven days in advance. You can also find hotels in North-English, ranked by value for money. Listed below are the top hotels in North-English. Take your time to browse these hotels and make your decision based on their location, quality, and price.

This city's median age is 41.7 years. Approximately twenty-four percent of residents were under the age of 18, and five percent were between 18 and 24 years old. The other forty-three percent were between 25-44 years old and sixty-four or older. The average household income in North-English is $32,639, which makes it the eighth most wealthy city in Iowa. The wealth index in North-English compares this community to the other 1,008 incorporated cities and towns in Iowa. The table below shows the rank/percentile data for North-English.

The population of England grew slowly in the twentieth century. It reached 60 million by the early 21st century. Asians and West Indians began to immigrate, and the nation became a multicultural society. London's population peaked at eight million people in 1939. Since then, the number has been down to 7.2 million. By 2021, the population is expected to reach 68 million in this city.