Oyens, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in the Population & Steets in OYENS City? If so, you will be happy to know that this city has an approximate population of 132 residents and 48 households. If you're considering moving to Oyens, here are some things you should know before you make the move. First of all, the population of Oyens is not a small one.

Oyens has a population of 12.1% single men, while Struble has 100% husband and wife families. In other words, Oyens is #1 in Iowa for single men. However, Oyens is second to Struble for the proportion of single women aged thirty-four to fifty-four. This is due to the fact that the city is located near the Missouri River, which has many farms and ranches.

As for the city's eviction rate, it is quite low compared to other cities in Oklahoma. Oyens has a lower rate of evictions than the nearby cities, including Chatsworth and Waterbury. In fact, Oyens has fewer evictions than any other Oklahoma city. So, there are fewer people evicting people than in neighboring towns.

The median age of the population of Oyens City is 40.5 years. Twenty-three percent of the population is under the age of 18, while 10.7% of the population is between twenty-five and forty-four. Twenty-five percent of the population is aged thirty-four to sixty-four, and 14.6% is sixty-five or over. The gender ratio of the city is fifty-three percent male and forty-seven percent female.