Popejoy, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Popejoy is a city in the state of Iowa. The population was estimated at 77 people in the 2020 census. The city was platted in 1880, but was originally known as Carleton. The city was incorporated in 1908. It has a total area of 0.74 square miles or 1.92 square kilometers. You can find out more about the city by viewing the map below.

The area surrounding Popejoy is made up of many neighborhoods and is considered to be predominantly white. The population is made up of 0.0% Hispanics. The median household income in the city is $50,000. The average household income is $60,750. Moreover, the high school graduation rate is 83%. Approximately 43% of the high school graduates dropped out of college. About 57% of the college students graduated with a master's degree or professional degree.

The overall crime rate in Popejoy is 0.07 per 1,000 people. The rate of robberies in Popejoy is 1 in 5,867 compared to a 1% occurrence in the corresponding neighborhoods in Iowa. The city is also less than half populated, which makes crime statistics in this city appear slightly higher than elsewhere. If you're wondering whether Popejoy is a safe place to live, check out our crime map. The map shows crime trends in the city and where criminals are most likely to commit crimes.