Ringsted, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population & steets of Ringsted City, Iowa? Ringsted has a population of approximately 1,200 people, one eighth of the population of Iowa. It is also the largest city in the region. Ringsted has 59% of its population belonged to married couples. The percentage of married couples living in Ringsted is higher than the state average, which is just under 60%.

If you're looking to make a move to Ringsted, here's some information on the area's economy. The city has a median home price of $41,500, and its unemployment rate is about 7.3%. Home values have appreciated over the last ten years by 4.2%. There are many different neighborhoods in Ringsted, each with their own unique personality and history. You'll be able to find the perfect neighborhood to call home in Ringsted!

The Ringsted City, Iowa, demographics show that the median age is 35.0, the second-lowest of all cities in the area. However, Ringsted's age demographics are most interesting when it comes to identifying areas where retirees live. The largest proportion of people is under the age of twenty-five, followed by the 50-59-year-old bracket and the 60-plus group.

Demographics in Ringsted are available from the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. Ringsted's population density is 74 people per square mile, which is lower than that of the nearby cities, such as Lone Rock. This is because Ringsted's population has grown significantly in the past twenty years, while Lone Rock's has grown more than 80 percent since 1950. With these numbers, Ringsted is now considered to be a small town by Iowa standards.