Rolfe, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table shows the Population & Steets in Rodfe City, Wisconsin. These statistics are based on raw head counts, not per square mile. The About Page contains information on the data sources used to compile this information. You can also find information on the number of people in Rolfe City living in different types of housing. Aside from that, you can also find a list of schools in Rolfe City.

Rolfe has a long history of education. Up until the 1990s, the town had a K-12 school, with a final class graduating in 1990. Rolfe subsequently became part of the Pocahontas Area Community School District. However, it still had a portion of its elementary school and its PAC Middle School. It's unclear why there are fewer people living in Rolfe, but it's a sad state of affairs.

Rolfe has over 30 businesses. Most of them are typical of small towns, including a beauty salon, a farmer's cooperative, and an insurance agent. Other businesses in Rolfe include a post office and a trucking company. The population of Rolfe is estimated to reach 2,050 by 2020. This city also features a public library and a school.

There are 568 residents in Rolfe, with a median household income of $38,472. The median home price is $34,500, and the growth rate of homes in Rolfe over the past decade is 3.9%. The average commute time in Rolfe is 25.4 minutes. If you are interested in purchasing a home in Rolfe, contact a local realtor for more information.